Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Back to Basics

by Fil-maur Louis M. Nacion

“Don’t judge the book by its cover”
This is true but we cannot deny that however how much you protest, everyone instantly judge you on how you look. Even if you’re a CEO on a big company, having luxurious cars, and owning an iPhone 4s, it doesn’t make sense if you have a nose hair saying “hi” to everyone because it’s too long and your nails seems to be a farm because of its dirt. Still, everyone that will see you will judge you accordingly. We’re here to make sure that it will never happen to you!
Read on and get a grip on how you can get a good impression. In here, we believe that making sure there’s nothing Neanderthal about your body is not vain, it’s ESSENTIAL.

The best way to be well groomed is still sticking on the basics.

GO! GET IN THE SHOWER.  The basic step to staying clean and smelling good even without any cologne. This is a step you have no reasons to miss because it’s as simple as water, shower and towel. You’re tired? Lazy? Feeling cold? I don’t care, SHOWER!

YOU’RE NOT A CAVEMAN, SHAVE. Shave regularly to look clean and be at your best. If you prefer to have a beard or a moustache, make sure it is trimmed and has no hairs pointing out in multiple directions. Also make sure that you shave in the same direction as the growth of the hair and that you soften your facial hair or at least wet it before shaving. This will ensure that you will not be hurt or cut while shaving.

BE YOURSELF AND HAVE A SENSE OF STYLE. Choose clothes that will fit well on you, it is not important if it is branded or not. Also, be sure that it is ironed and smells good before you wear it. Don’t use styles of clothes that don’t look good on you or worse, makes you look like an idiot, just because it is popular or in. HIPSTER? No way! And most importantly, the number one rule is: Don’t recycle clothes that have been thrown into your laundry basket because you have run out of clean, ironed clothes. You won’t fool anyone with that trick!

BE STRAIGHT.  Maintain a good posture because it is very important. Do not tend slouch and always walk straight because it projects confidence and assertiveness in a man. If you have trouble with maintaining your posture, do some posture exercises regularly till you perfect your posture. You’re not a turtle you a MAN!

DOUBLE AND TRIPLE CHECK. Having a very long busy day at school or at work tend to make your clothes crumpled, have ball pen marks and get food stains. Make sure you check yourself in the mirror to see if you need to adjust anything in your attire. REPEAT IF NEEDED.

5 IN 1. All of these tips break down into one, having a HEALTHY BODY. If you take care of your body, half of the job is done. Eat regular and balanced meals, get your share of physical exercise and get rid of your vices.
Our appearances reflect ourselves. If someone notices you and leaves a comment, either it is positive or not, it came from YOU not from THEM.


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