Friday, August 31, 2012

“As a Young Leader, What Can You Do to Help Your Country?”

by Radel Llagas

What is a young Leader? A young leader is a person that is in the process where he develops himself to be a better human being not only for himself but also to the people around him. Studying, training and preparing for the challenges and opportunities the future could offer.

A Young Leader doesn’t need or ask for any acknowledgements or rewards on every good thing that he have done, he will be simply happy and satisfied if he knew that he just helped or inspired people because of his good deeds or works.

I believe that every each of us is a leader. We are the leaders of ourselves.

So as one of the young leaders of our generation, I think we can help our motherland by simply inspiring our own countrymen. Inspiration has this power to move intellect and emotions of people, most likely, to influence. If people are positively inspired they can do anything happily, efficiently, and effectively. A job well done in work, a fine relationship with family and friends, a high grades in school, etc. All is well!

Now, how can I inspire people? I’ll inspire people by being diligent and persistent, by being nice and friendly, and by being thoughtful and mindful.

Diligence and persistence, I believe that these two attributes cannot be separatedfrom each other they’re partners, because you cannot be persistent if you’re not diligent and you cannot be diligent if you’re not persistent. To inspire and to be inspired you should be doing something that will benefit you and make the people around you happy.

Being nice and friendly doesn't always mean having long conversations with people you barely know. Just saying you like someone's shirts, or even just saying "hi" to someone can cause them to have a more positive attitude toward you, and maybe even inspire them. But you don’t have to always talk to inspire people. It's usually your actions that inspire people, not your words.
Being thoughtful and mindful likewise is not that tough if someone asks you a question or asks for help think about it before answering or doing anything this will keep you from saying or doing harsh things. Always think before doing anything.

To inspire people always go into things with good intentions and positive thoughts. Most likely, you'll be admired for your determination and, most likely, will do better. For example you lose in a basketball game with your team or have a bad day at school or work, try to go through it with a quiet smile and do better next time. Don't blame it all on yourself, nor should you blame it on anyone else. It will make you look the opposite of inspiring.

Of course be someone you'd want to be and don’t you ever fake it. In other words, be someone that you would enjoy being around. If you don't like how you act, chances are other people won't like you, either.

My resolve in helping my country which is to inspire is like an inductive approach in doing research or from specific-general approach or from using a few numbers of sample respondents then from them I will intend to generalize. First, I will dealt with few numbers of people who I already knew then hopefully will also inspire the people they knew, continue this process until all people in the country are all inspired.
Imagine if all people would be inspired. It can lead to oneness and success of the country because if the people are positively inspired they can do anything happily, efficiently, and effectively and if they have this attitudes there’ll be no troubles or difficulties. All is well!

By Smashgroundz with No comments


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